'Doable' and affordable, all in one web site package!
You can have an extensive brochure Web Site using one of the 'easiest' web site editing systems in the world. For less than £5 a week additional payment we can update pages for you, but ultimately the site remains in your control.
There is a simple online 'Admin' interface which has been developed with considerable thought to users. With ease this allows you to web edit from any part of the world - where there is broadband or a data connection. You can update your pages, create new ones, delete obsolete ones, make pages 'Private', update a 'Blog' (News page) and even check statistics about the visitors to your site.
If you can you create a word based document or send an email with an attachment, then a 'rafisDESIGN' online managed website is 'easy-peasy', such that even a child can manage after it.
Over 95% of our supplied templates are device 'Responsive' (to Google Tablets, PC's, iphones, Android Phones, Apple Macs etc,.) .
This site has been produced using our own bespokely coded web templates. These ensure a faster upload to your screen and are easy to navigate.
On this site, as you would expect, we have used our own retail product throughout. There are no professional tricks and there is no complex backend coding for you to do.
The TECHNICAL stuff about this web site design.
10 menu linked pages - without the menu looking cluttered. You can create many hundreds of 'Private' (off menu pages) and just add links in the contents pages of others.
Very RESPONSIVE giving a simple clear presentation.