devonOWL has a mission to making its web sites as simple, powerful and cost-effective as possible, but there are a few things to know before you get started.
The following tips may help you with your site:
In all computer work, always keep a backup of your files. "Backup, backup and then backup again!". This is so simple with our sites and you can keep multiple dated backups, with a couple of clicks of the mouse. (At the risk of repeating the 'message'). Before using your ADMIN control system —and as a good practice in general. Since your web site works with files directly on your server space, any changes you publish become permanent! You should backup frequently, at least once a month, more if you make regular changes. This is easy by creating an archive through the ‘Backup’, then downloading it, by clicking on the file which is created. On most devices it will then automatically download to a storage ('Downloads') area on you computer. We will happily take you through this process.
Things devonOWL does not do!
Besides service or repair toasters (it may seem flippant, but we were was once asked), there are many things of an obvious kind which devonOWL do not do, Yet, other (even big) players in the market have some very questionable practices, have weyward moral compasses and poor business ethics.
devonOWL does not register your domain on its register of domain name holdings. It is your property and as such, It becomes part of your business assets.
devonOWL does not hold you to ransom by expecting long contracts of commitment to using its services. Many other providers expect you to agree to a 2 - 5 year renewal agreement, as part of their terms and conditions, through which you furtherly agree that they can increase their charges on year 2,3,4 and 5. devonOWL actually reduce its charges to a residual payment of £99 (currently) for each year.
devonOWL does not use your website as a conduit to promoting its own services, by announcing our logo or name on the bottom of your website pages. (devonOWL would like to think that it has your recommendation from our quality of service).
devonOWL does not use 'Call Centre' support services, but do reserve the right to use 'locums' during busier periods.
This site has been created using a bespoke template. It is a design which is exclusively being used for this stie only, but is modelled to use in conjuction with the CMS system. In real terms devonOWL have done what it says on the tin' - used a rafisDESIGN product throughout, no magic or special coding! You can easily create a site like this.
devonOWL is rafisDESIGN in being 'truly responsive'.